Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday, March 23

Well this post has been a long time coming: but my 1st grader has been wanting chickens for eggs (and then later eating spent hens) and on 3/23 we picked up our chick order.  They had been hatched on 3/21.

She and I have been studying chickens all year from breed types to feeding and husbandry practices, and this photo of her in the van, proudly holding her box of 30 tiny peeping chicks really tells how happy she was to finally have her own chicks.

We set up the brooder in the old farrowing shed with shavings and heat lamps and waterers and a purple chick feeder.  She chose to order 10 black Australorp pullets, 10 production red pullets, and 10 Brown Leghorn straight run chicks.

Chick Day was much anticipated by all :)

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